
MSBend-S series press brakes are designed to maximize productivity and decrease cost per unit. Design innovations based on years of experience have resulted in faster speeds on the approach, bending, return and back gauge. Machine features a rigid mono-block frame for minimum deflection under load. Synchronized dual cylinders and valves assure smooth, stable ram motion for high-quality, precision bends accurate to with 0,01 mm. MSBend-S series daylight, stroke and throat depths are specially designed for long tools.

Standard Machine Features:

Delem touch-screen control unit (2D programming, 3D visual only)
Delem touch-screen control unit
Automatic CNC controlled crowning system
Rigid mono-block ST44-steel frame
Universal top and bottom tooling with Promecan clamp
Control unit arm moveable up and down
Robust safety features

Optional Machine Features:

Rolleri pneumatic or hydraulic top tool clamping system
CNC controlled sheet following system (125/250 kg carriage capacity)
Parking area length extension
CNC controlled back gauge X1-X2, R1-R2, Z1-Z2 axes
Laser angle measurement with 2 cameras
Robotic manipulator

Technical Features:

Bending force 40 - 600 ton
Bending length 1,250 - 6,100 mm
Distance between columns 1,070 - 5,100 mm
Stroke 210 - 500 mm
Daylight 455 - 620 mm
Throat depth 410 - 500 mm (O Frame)
Y rapid speed 80 - 170 mm/sec
X Axis speed 800 mm/sec
Motor power 4 - 37 kW
Oil tank capacity 80 - 500 liters
Lenght 4,676 mm
Width 1,600 - 2,250 mm
Height 2,250 - 4,100 mm
Weight 3,500 - 55,000 kg

If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.

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MicroStep MSBend Press Brakes

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